Language // Perspective
1:50:00 AMHey! Hello! It's little me checking in from home at 12:36 in the AM and I had a few thoughts swimming around in my head. After a little Breaking Bad marathon to myself on the couch, midst scrolling through my tumblr feed, and sipping on some leftover Indian chai tea from dinner, an intruding thought dawned on me.
I've been sat staring at this screen for awhile, fingers on keyboard, wondering how exactly to convey this entry - but I decided that I'm going with the more 'straightforward' approach.
The amount of hate I've seen floating around lately is incredible - in the worst way possible. People anonymously body shaming others, criticizing, and thinking that it is okay to do so. I can't take it anymore. Seeing such nice people undeserving of crude "hate" messages. The power of social media is crazy - and its effects can be felt from as far as that device in hand to a little pumping organ hollowing in a chest.
No one is perfect. My tongue slips a lot of the time and sometimes it gets hard to hold it. Imperfections hold for learning experiences!
But really - What's with all the hate? Use your words positively. Rid the pompousness, step out of the common egocentric world and see into the good. Count your blessings, give compliments freely and more often, enrich yourself with good company - and heck, eat that chocolate bar laying on your nightstand. After all, it is your life and you have one.
It's all in understanding. It's all in language and perspective. Use your conscience and be capricious in a good way.
It's getting late as I close this entry and I am now realizing that half of the things I talked about could quite possibly not make any sense to me in the morning. My cup of chai is running empty and its residue is starting to dry, which means it's time for bed.
Start doing things that will leave a proper lasting impression on others, but first start doing things that benefit you.
It starts with you.