A year in review // Best moments of 2014
2:17:00 PMAh. It's that weird transitional time of the year again, midway through Christmas and New Years, when all you have planned is to recover from a food coma. Also that time of the year when those "2015 please be good to me" photos and statuses pop up on your feed. Bleh. Back to what I was saying, while food coma-ing, I gathered a list of my favourite memories of 2014, month by month- and boy do I have a lot to say and share. I learned SO many things this year, but the biggest one of them all was probably letting go of things/people that were once important to me; that once added value to my life. However- the truth I learned is that you don't actually need what you think you need to fulfill the hole your life. Materialistic things and crappy gimmicks/egotistic lies don't do you any good. Find peace and happiness within yourself THEN branch out to the world.
ANYWAYS. Done with that nonsense. Take a little peek into my favourite experiences of the year. Here's to a healthy/happy 2015! Be back when I awaken from my food coma!

*** Another big event that happened in February was getting my braces off. I never considered myself too self-conscious about my teeth or how they looked, but somehow the whole experience boosted my confidence big time- in the best way possible.

// MARCH //
(apologies in advance)