Positivity is...

7:04:00 PM

I'm a big believer in that whole thing about positivity being contagious. Maybe I believe in it too much, I don't know. But if there's something I do know, it's that attitude is contagious; whether it be the best of you or the opposite.. And it took me way too long to notice.

I get asked quite a lot - "how are you always so happy?!" and I don't really have a definite answer. I think some people have this illusion that I'm happy 24/7. Untrue. Things make me tick. I have these weird mood swings. I'm uninterested. I have a certain distaste for a lot of things/people/ideas. I'm annoyed when the birds chirp outside my window, when instead I should be grateful that I even woke up in the morning. Some days I really don't want to be spoken to, even by my best friends. I'll be the first to admit - I suck at being nice sometimes. Though, one thing I've learned is to always make an effort to bring the good vibes (shout-out to you Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch), for lack of better words, wherever I go. Think of it this way - you could change the mood of an entire room of people depending on how you carry yourself. I'm not saying to wear your best fake smile or give a handful of empty compliments, but instead, do what it takes to try your best; to be your best, to be genuine with yourself and with others. It's easy to overlook how much influence you have as a human being!
Maybe this is what you needed to hear, maybe not, but I can almost promise you that you are going to be alright. Always remember: each day is a whole new 24 for you to be better; for you to keep what you love and change what you don't. You'll need some bad days to know the good ones, and you'll need the good days to help you decipher an ounce of motivation in you to push through on the bad ones. The bad days will be a passing state onto a better, more positive one. We're alright. We will always be.

I don't know why it took me so long to realize.

I also think my quinoa is burning on the stove. Gotta run..

Take care,
x lj

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