Here's a thing or two about beauty.
12:19:00 PMAs a little girl, I used to dream about becoming Miss Universe; you could ask anyone and they'd tell you. For my 16th birthday, one of my good friends even gave me a sash that had 'MISS UNIVERSE' printed on it - I'd be lying if I said it wasn't still hanging across the mirror in my bedroom to this day.
What drew me in was how confident and tall she was; how good of a heart she had - her sense of charity and good hospitality. It was how elegantly Miss Universe would grace the stage in the most amazing floor-length gown of sequins and flash a smile of the purest of pearls, eyes adorned with the most radiant of diamonds. I wished to be just like that, though I never grew up a pageant girl. What drew me in was beauty.
I think the definition of the word 'beauty' plays with almost everybody's mind at some point in life. Whether it be towards an art piece, a song, a person.. yourself.
I also think beauty is universal. Let me tell you why.
There isn't just one specific way to define beauty. To me, that is the coolest thing. Search google and you'd find many different dictionary definitions, with many connotations. The only true way to define beauty is to define it yourself. Beauty isn't limited to gender, skin colour, biological pigment, culture, social class, art form, makeup brand, music genre, Fender or Gibson. Beauty sure as hell isn't limited to a standard of physical appearance followed by the whole whirlwind we know as society. There is some hidden variety out there, yet to be discovered. That gives me a little comfort in the thought. And yes, variety is candor. Candor is beautiful.
Often, talks about the amount of makeup worn and debate on how it defines the "realness" of a woman is brought up. As a girl, maybe I am a little biased or maybe I'm just stating what is true, but makeup doesn't make a woman any more "fake" or any less "real" than what she already is. Beneath the contour and highlight, behind the strong eyebrow game, under these lashes - I'm still real and I'm still me; as is any other woman. Besides, you'll learn that contour can fix almost anything but an ugly heart. Makeup is so fascinating and so fun to learn - but having a good heart is better than any cosmetic enhancement that ever was and ever could be invented.
I'm clearly not Miss Universe - and probably will never be (let's face it, younger-self), but that doesn't make me any less beautiful than what I am made up to be. The strands of DNA that make me up fit just as they should and my heart is set in its proper place, it beats and it functions - I speak for you as well.
ever make another person's beauty synonymous to your own decline of
self-esteem. Beauty doesn't have to be such a bad thing, if you don't
make it to be.
Beauty is everywhere, really. It might just take you an extra second to find it.