100TH POST / 100 facts about me.

7:07:00 PM

100 POSTS?! Are you kidding me? I'm in over my head with this thing. All jokes, I love writing on this blog and I'll continue to do so until my fingers fall off from typing. To commemorate my 100th post, I decided to compile 100 useless facts about myself - because, why not
Know me a little better. Go ahead.

1. No, it is not "style" or a "fad" that part of my left eyebrow is, well... gone (and yes, people have asked). I have a scar from hitting my head on a coffee table as a kid.. (makes my eyebrow game even more so impressive)

2. I feel more comfortable talking to strangers than people I know, sometimes.

3. My biggest fear is losing my memory.

4. Almost ran over Ryan Adams once... i tweeted about it and he 'faved' it. We good.

5. I suck at making eye contact. I'd rather stare at the ground.

6. My favourite cuisines are Mexican, Italian, Vietnamese, Thai and Indian. I do have a major soft spot for sushi..

7. I watched Aladdin on VHS too much as a kid and ruined the tape.

8. Not really into department stores... especially during the holidays.. or in general

9. Never had a nosebleed

10. I don't like peanut butter, but weirdly, I have to have a tablespoon of it every once in a while.

11. Hockey is my favourite sport. Go Canucks go.

12. I cut my own hair when I was 4 years old while everyone was sleeping in the middle of the night. I had just learned to cut and received my first pair of kindergarten scissors. Needless to say, my parents had a little boy for awhile.

13. My favourite smells are freshly cut grass and gasoline

14. If there's anything I could avoid for the rest of my life - it would be throwing up/feeling nauseated.

15. Speaking of throwing up... I once had this really bad experience with green tea snacks and I still can't eat/drink anything green tea flavored to this day. I used to love it.

16. But... I make a pretty sick chai tea latte! Ask me to make it for you one day

17. My birthday is on February 17th

18. I only eat green bananas.

19. I clear as many photos from my camera roll on my phone as I can before I go to bed.. It's habitual.. And weird.

20. I'm 5'1

21. My first crushes were on Aaron and Nick Carter.. probably at the same time. I was 4.

22. I have no allergies!

23. I'm rotting waiting for @DandKpodcast to update on instagram

24. Not really one for the beach. I'll be sitting in my hooded poncho, docs and SPF 941789479..... far away from the sun.

25. Known to break everything I touch

26. I've never eaten a pop tart.

27. No... I've never eaten a pop tart, but yes, I'm pretty sure I ate toilet paper as a kid.

28. Sad songs are my favourite

29. I had the chicken pox when I was 10 and it was nasty. I still have no idea who contaminated me...

30. I don't really like eating breakfast... but brunch. Brunch is another thing.

31. If I could have anyone narrate my life - it would be Macklemore. I don't know why.. Something about his speaking voice.

32. Comfort food for me is a grilled cheese sandwich and some tomato soup

33. I dig public speaking

34. My favourite movie ever is Hot Rod. Everyone thinks it's a dumb movie, but it's just so funny to me.

35. I have the worst memory

36. I can knit! I'm an old lady. Two facts right there.

37. My family says I have the oldest soul.

38. I used to have a cloud shaped birthmark on my left ribcage... but it disappeared.

39. No, I will not hold your baby. I'm not really a 'baby' kind of person... Maybe a selected few are okay. (Sorry. I'm heartless, I get it.)

40. My arms are weirdly skinny and long... You may or may not be able to tell...

41. My mom says I watched a lot of Bob Ross on television as a kid... maybe that's why I turned out like this.

42. I met Vanilla Ice once. We talked about being vegetarians.

43. Pretty sure the first record ever given to me was a Linda Ronstadt one

44. In middle school, I played percussion in band. I sucked.. I kind of just faked my way through it

45. Hazel green eyes are my favourite

46. I do love fur coats and leather jackets, but refuse to wear any real fur or leather.. I stick with faux.

47. I absolutely love being on the road.

48. I lost my retainer shortly after I got my braces off and I think my mom is still mad about that..

49. Never been one to take medicines or drugs for a cold/flu/sickness. Would rather make my own remedy..

50. Been described once as someone with an indigo aura or an "indigo girl".

51. Before I gave up meat, I didn't like bacon or even its flavor.. UNLESS it was drenched in maple syrup.. (yes, I am Canadian)

52. I think my jaw is probably my best/worst feature. Depends.

53. Apparently my doppelganger is India Love Westbrook. What are your thoughts on that?

54. Voted 'BEST HAIR' in middle school

55. I can probably play you Hot Cross Buns on the recorder....

56. My personality resonates veeeeery creepily accurate with my astrology sign description (Aquarius, if you were wondering)

57. Quiet, not shy.

58. Whiskey Hazelnut is my favourite ice cream flavor!! Yo hit me up with some!

59. I can fall asleep anywhere - Chicago airport floor, hotel lobbies, just to name a couple

60. Yet, I don't sleep. I'm always sleeping when I shouldn't and awake when I should be asleep

61. I do aspire to open a donut shop one day...

62. Grew up playing the guitar, piano, violin, and a little bit of percussion

63. I have this weird thing with washing my hands.. Not even some Macbeth thing. I just like clean hands.

64. My ideal date is at an arcade with copious amounts of pizza or watching documentaries! Forensic Files!

65. I can do a sick Boston accent sometimes

66. Oldest grandchild on both sides of the family

67. I haven't had any soda/pop in about 4 years yaaaaaa


69. Please don't take me to Costco...

70. I currently have 6 cacti/succulents/plants on my beside window sill. Yes, I know. I am well on my way to becoming a crazy plant lady. [Since writing this post I've acquired two new plants. Plant count: 8]

71. Kyle Mooney and Andy Samberg are lowkey my celebrity crushes

72. Not a fan of big crowds, not a fan of small crowds, not a fan of..... crowds.

73. I think my fear of planes increases the more I go on them
74. My favourite artist is Colin Christian wowowowowowow LOVE his work [check out 'PUNK', my favourite piece]

75. I was nameless for about 2 weeks. I was referred to as just 'baby girl'.

76. I easily shake from coffee but I still drink it anyways

77. See's chocolate lollipops are my absolute favourite. The CHOCOLATE ones. The best.

78. I want Alexa Chung's job.... whatever that is...

79. Editor of the campus newspaper

80. Been a ballerina in the making for most of my life

81. Vinny from Jersey Shore said I reminded him of Snooki, haha.

82. When I was 12 I blew $200 on my favourite player's hockey stick (and i still have it)

83. I'm too scared to sleep with my closet open

84. Before I was born, a psychic told my mom I would be into the arts.

85. The grand total of all my current lip products could probably overfill your gas tank.

86. The denim jacket I wear a lot was actually my grandfather's. He let me have it.

87. I habitually played Slipknot to my plants for awhile and they all died

88. My voice goes reaaaally high when I feel nervous

89. If I had my way -- all of my clothes and shoes would be Saint Laurent, with a few pieces from Courtney Love's 90's closet.

90. I live my life by 'NO SCRUBS' by TLC

91. Grew up watching all the 'Fasts' with dad

92. The California/Arizona/Nevada scenic drive will always be my favourite

93. I would use ice instead of a pacifier as a baby

94. Hanna Beth is who first inspired my love of fashion and blogging

95. Go-to karaoke songs are anything by the Backstreet Boys. Try me.

96. My favourite driving record/late night record is 'Lost In The Dream' by The War On Drugs

97. The only constant in my prayers is family.

98. Want to cheer me up? Try any sushi with spicy tuna and unagi or put on some youtube.com/kyle videos

99. Hand-written letters and/or long, thoughtful messages make me so incredibly happy. I love personalized things.

100. Pretty sure I've seen Jim Morrison's ghost.

Thanks for sticking with me, y'all. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know.

x lj


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