10:22:00 PM
Tight, figure-hugging skirts have never really been my thing.. Of course until the H&M at Beverly Center had them on sale for $12. Let's be honest here. I don't have that Kim K hourglass figure and I probably never will.
Clothing that you choose to wear shouldn't reflect the fact that because you don't have a certain body type or prominent feature, you can't make it your own and still feel confident. It doesn't mean that you cannot feel beautiful in what you are wearing.
Take pride in feeling good, especially in yourself. I, for one, know that some days are so much harder than others. In this weird apocalyptic feeling age with various social platforms, it's so easy to compare ourselves to others. "I want her life/ I want to be her/I wish I had her body." I hear it enough from myself sometimes that I forget how amazing it is just to have an able body. I'm just glad I have a working, healthy and fully functioning body.
Whenever you feel good about yourself, remember what it feels like to do so. Many people get confused and the lines start to blur around being "vain" and loving yourself. Being able to love yourself will start from the inner core of you and work its way out - you'll know the feeling when it happens. You'll be at peace with yourself and the world will seem a little less dim.
This post was not at all supposed to go the way it did.
It's Monday. Here's some motivation.
x lj