12:11:00 PM

Out in LA, there's a little spot filled with many pillars of lights that I had never been to - LACMA, a museum of lights. I've always seen the place on every fashion blogger's instagram or just floating around my tumblr dash. So one little night in LA after having a bite to eat at Urth Caffe, we headed out to take a few shots around the area.

After all, Los Angeles is the city of shining lights and starry eyes.

Being in front of the camera has always been so awkward for me because I'm usually the one behind it. I have no idea how on earth to pose and I'm always asking what to do with my hands. These are what I call 'miracle shots' because they actually came out a lot better than I imagined. I could never do this for a living. Props to all the models out there.

 Above is probably my 'Kylie Jenner ain't got nothing on me' face.

 x lj

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