4:05:00 AM

Flying 35 000 feet up in the air can easily be one of the best and worst times. I find that as I get older and as I board more and more planes, I get a lot more anxious and frightened by it. I hate being enclosed in a tight capsule spaceship thing and the initial take off has me digging my nails into the sides of my seat for dear life. Each ride holds some weird uncertainty to me, full of nauseating turbulence and strangers I've never seen in my life.

The flight today was alright, I suppose - though one major (and i mean maaaaaaajor) dip had the whole plane a little tense and thinking we were going to die. We all clutched hands and I could've sworn I heard a few curse words let out by the passengers around me.

I don't like to eat or drink on planes  - it's always just been my thing. If I'm not sleeping, I'm probably reading something or dramatically lip syncing, earbuds in with my eyes looking out of the little window and into the open sky. The clouds were beautiful today. An early flight meant watching the sun rise out of the clouds and summoning the day before the rest of the world could waken. Once again - it's always been my thing. Sunrises/sunsets/late nights/early mornings/BEING UP BEFORE THE REST OF THE WORLD IS. Try it sometime. Do some reflecting and tell me how you feel. Being in a solitary mindset, even if there's a crowd of familiar faces or even strangers on a plane around you, can be so fulfilling. Time to yourself to think for yourself.


Listen to music.
I love making a designated flying playlist of songs that will keep me distracted. I mean, if you're too lazy to do so... Check out my spotify playlists on what I like to bump on the regular.

Talk to the person beside.
Whether you came with them or not, they'd probably have a couple intriguing stories to tell. Talk in depth. What are the chances of you ever seeing them again? Let's be honest, it's probably slimmer than you think. Obsess over something. Say a little too much.

Write or read something.
I have this weird obsession with planning and writing things down; whether it be a to-do/to buy list or my immediate and long term goals/dreams. I love to scribble my mine out. I. Love. Writing. Reading doesn't kill either. You have a couple (or many) hours to yourself, why not use it to enhance the brain somehow?

However long your flight may be, just know that you are only on it for a fraction of the time. Make the best of it. What better way to go about your journey than with your head in the clouds? Your destination is closer than you think.

x lj

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