I'd like to think I learned a lot this year, as cliche as that may sound to start things off. I reached my motivational peak, I held more than I knew I was capable of carrying. I experienced and accomplished more than I ever thought I would in my lifetime, in 12 months. I ran through a couple health related scares and worries that kept me up at night and greeted me at my low. I've been in and out of clinics and spent the latter bit of the year waiting on x-rays, news, and good/bad results. I knew what it felt like to be let down. I knew what it felt like to be a let down. I lost some of the biggest parts of me. I mended a few.
As a little girl, I used to dream about becoming Miss Universe; you could ask anyone and they'd tell you. For my 16th birthday, one of my good friends even gave me a sash that had 'MISS UNIVERSE' printed on it - I'd be lying if I said it wasn't still hanging across the mirror in my bedroom to this day.
What drew me in was how confident and tall she was; how good of a heart she had - her sense of charity and good hospitality. It was how elegantly Miss Universe would grace the stage in the most amazing floor-length gown of sequins and flash a smile of the purest of pearls, eyes adorned with the most radiant of diamonds. I wished to be just like that, though I never grew up a pageant girl. What drew me in was beauty.
I think the definition of the word 'beauty' plays with almost everybody's mind at some point in life. Whether it be towards an art piece, a song, a person.. yourself.
I also think beauty is universal. Let me tell you why.
Stylistically speaking, I think the common thread among these ten tunes is the intricacy of the words behind them. Maybe my thought process can be a little romanticized at times, especially when it comes to how I interpret song lyrics; maybe I read into them too much. As someone who thoroughly enjoys discovering new music, I could easily spend hours on the internet going through artists' discographies. I love when people come to me with suggestions - it's my favourite thing. "Hey, I think you'll like this band" or "this song reminds me of you", will never get old.
That being said - here I present to you ten songs I wish were written about me. Imagine being a poet's muse; imagine being a songwriter's muse. No difference to me, really. You'd live forever.
I had a few words written in my notebook/planner this week as a self-reminder and it sparked a little inspiration.
"WRITE WRITE WRITE. This is a good week to do so. You'll want to remember."
It's basically that time of year again - I'm sure you know exactly what I mean; the frosted car windows, impossible mall parking lots, and my personal favourite - the season of Peppermint mochas. CHRISTMAS.
As a kid, every Christmas season, my parents would have me make a list of a few things I wanted from 'Santa'.. and I'd magically find them under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. Still to this day, they ask me to make a list (not that I mind or anything..). Since December is quickly approaching, I thought I'd put together a little wishlist of things I could dig under my tree this holiday - whether they be reasonable or not (probably not).
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I've been wanting these Janes for the longest time. Skinny straps and heels do it for me. If I had my way - my entire shoe closet and closet in general would be Saint Laurent. |
These past couple months have had me in a slump, if we're being completely honest. My friends would know. I find myself over exhausted, overthinking, and unsatisfied. I can never pinpoint exactly what it is. The closest thing I can compare it to is longing for some sort of new joy + and excitement, a start of a new venture, but falling short of opportunities. It's like the world just gives way on you all of a sudden. Nothing goes right.
Things are disappointing, and even more so, people.
Things are disappointing, and even more so, people.
Well, it's that time of the month again where I give you a few tunes to check out - right? Yes it is. It doesn't seem like that long ago I gave an October one. Just straight up - I apologize for the lack of quality posts lately. My classes have been picking up this last month with non stop labs/tests/assignments. Education is one never ending ride..
Fashion is such a big part of my life. Of course, everyday we all put clothes on but I don't think it's such a bad thing to have your own sense of personal style or 'unique' way of dressing. I'm not all about the high prices or brand on the tag, but more of just what I feel good wearing. That being said - I often get asked who inspires or influences my style and I decided I would just make a mass post about it sharing my top few style icons at the moment + a TON of photos.
And yeah... I might have a gone a little crazy with the amount of pics!
Recently I got a roll of film developed from pictures taken mid-summer to about last week and I thought I'd share what came out of it. My favourite part of having film is not being able to see what photos are taken - that way, it's just one big massive surprise. I scanned these photos last night and felt a little nostalgic. For a period of time before getting it developed, I forgot all about any of these moments. Looking back at the actual prints I have in my hand right now make me remember exactly what I felt when they were taken. Kind of a cool feeling - this is why I love taking photos.
Anyhow, enjoy. I love these a lot.
Despite all the controversy and odd criticism, I absolutely adore Terry Richardson's photography. His photos are so simple, yet exude some sort of edge at the same time. His portfolio and repertoire include a long list of celebrity subjects - Miley Cyrus, James Franco, Kylie Jenner, Sky Ferreira, even Obama - just to name a few of many. My best friend and I thought it would be fun to take some photos and try our hand in the style of his.
Days off, more than anything, are usually spent with my mom going around the city. Although we love trying new spots to eat and finding hidden gems around town, we always find ourselves so indecisive when it comes to where we want to go. This particular Sunday night - we decided on a late dinner at Tacofino, a little taco joint in Gastown.
Before that, we decide to hangout at one of our favourite hideaways. Even though I'm not a big fan of the beach (I get it, I'm crazy), I love going to this particular spot. The sun set slow and the tides grew stronger by the minute. Not to mention - it was howling wind. I almost had to chase my hat into the sea a few times. Also, here's a little tip: I'm totally an advocate for platform heels, but maybe skip out on them at a beach with rocks everywhere.
As an unpublished, 'unprofessional', self-proclaimed writer, I never really know when inspiration will make an appearance or when my brain will give me a fair, decent shot at producing a well written piece. I can conclude that published, professional authors would say the same. That's when notebooks or even the notes section in our iPhones come in handy; maybe even recording a voice memo. But I'd have you know that pouring our minds onto paper isn't the easiest thing most days. Finally, to those who asked - you get a look into this little poetry book I carry around.
If you have a few minutes to on your hands- take a peek!
Here are some tunes that I enjoy and encourage you to bump this month!
Some great new releases I've been playing lately are Ryan Adams' '1989' + Lydia's 'Run Wild' - both of which I recommend you hear (I've included a couple below). My taste in music seems to get a little more gloomy at this time of the year, hence why these songs may be a little slower/more sad/calm. I listen to them before bed; I've fallen asleep to these a few times. Just a teeny taste of it. Listen on if you are interested...
Feels Like Trouble / THE TECHNICOLORS
Hello everyone!
I did a thing with my hair last night and now it's silvery grey.
ANYWAYS - it's been 3 weeks of routinized life and I'm still alive, can you believe it? That being said, I'm still getting used to the structure of it all after 2 months of straight traveling and lounging around. Involuntarily getting out of bed in the early morning is probably the hardest part and I don't think I'll ever adjust to that. Also, it doesn't help that I have a lot of the worst, least enjoyable classes this semester.
I'd be lying if I said the last month was all smooth and easy going. It really wasn't. Sometimes, no matter how much you want something to work out - it just won't. That's what I've learned. On top of the rut I ran/am running through, I busted my back a few weeks ago in ballet. I haven't danced since. Simple, everyday movements yield a new pain spot and I resort 99% of the time to laying down with a heat pack.
Despite the workload/petty stresses and what not, I'm so pumped about the next few months leading up to the new year.
I went to Sephora the other week looking for Kat Von D's infamous lip colour, 'Lolita'. I've spent far too long on the hunt for that thing and when I asked the saleslady, they were sold out. My luck is always so good, I don't get it. By now, I've honestly gone back to the same Sephora over 4 times to look for it. Somehow while doing loops around the store, I ended up in the BUXOM booth looking at all the lip products they had. I was intrigued by the Lip Foundations they had - I'm always so into the matte lip colours and I had seen these on Raye Boyce's makeup tutorial. I decided to give it a try and I knew I loved it from the moment I had it on.
I like to pair it with a NYX lip liner in the color Brown.
Blogging is so weird. I write posts, edit them, take photos with self-timer and a tripod, write a little more, come up with more ideas, write, check what entries get the most views, cater to the demographics, write, repeat, etc.. all by myself for the most part. I write during all my spares between classes, gather inspiration by reading whatever I can get my hands on, adapt writing styles from various authors and rebuild upon my own.
I get things done.
I thought I'd give you an update about where I stand as of right now.
I attended a friend's birthday party the other night and got to dress up all pretty with a few of my babes! I could barely keep my eyes off of the decor and desert - all of which Lauren put together herself. The cake had cute edible plant print from the Beverly Hills Hotel wallpaper. And the donuts? - THEY WERE GLITTERED.
Well, what's better than glitter and donuts? Good friends come pretty close, I guess.
Needing some inspiration for your next party? Peep the decor + deserts + outfit down below!
My entire summer called for a lot of unstructured plans and just straight chilling. Yet when I say "unstructured", I found that I still I had people to see and plans to meet for the entire duration of two months. With every ounce of satisfaction in me, I can say I've had one of the most fulfilling summers of my life.. and I truly do mean it. Of course, I do wish I could've traveled a little longer or hung out a little more with certain people in certain places, but it all seemed to be enough for me. I found time to write the most I've written in awhile and produce quality pieces that I'm the most proud of. I got to tour through some beautiful cities and see a bunch of unfamiliar, smiling faces. My hair turned pink. My hair was lilac. It was blue and it turned silver. I was up till my eyes burned. I spent a fair amount of one-on-one time with nature and more importantly, spent time with the ones I love; the ones who love me just as much.
And through all of this, I found inspiration - inspiration to write, to strengthen my relationships and overall, to maintain all the happiness and the be the very best version of me possible. I'd like to think that I've taken along a little piece of everyone I've met and a little part of everywhere I've visited. It's all a big experience. I find myself
saying this every year, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it this
time around. I find that school year goes by in the blink of an eye and
summer passes even faster - yet, even though we struggle a little more
each year, the experience keeps getting better and better.
Take a look through my eyes.
Vocally, Boyz II Men have to be one of the very best groups I listen to - their harmonies and acapella performances are always so incredible. I always talk about how sad I am that there will probably never be a group of this generation that can sing love songs as good or better than Boyz II Men. I've seen them a few times before and earlier tonight, I got the chance to see them perform a free show at the local fair... and of course, they didn't disappoint. What's new? They're timeless.
Here are some snaps from the concert and an outfit kind of thrown in as well. Check it out!
This is my current favourite song and it's been for awhile. I can't even relate to the lyrics, really. I'm not heartbroken, going through it or even at risk for it. It's just a good song - the kind that makes you feel like you're experiencing it even when you aren't. James Bay is such a talented musician and it's almost like you can hear his soul and passion through his voice alone. He has a such a strong voice, it projects far out of his skinny frame. Anyhow, he just dropped the video for Scars a few days ago. Check it out above. It's been on my mind a lot for some reason I can't decipher.
All muh love.
x lj
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge movie/television junky as everyone else seems to be. I get so restless sitting through movies that I even fall asleep sometimes (fun fact: I can fall asleep almost anywhere). The only television shows I've watched religiously were The McCarthy's, Breaking Bad and The Buried Life.. All of which are either finished or taken off air. Chances are if you ask me if I've seen a particular movie.... the answer is most likely "no." I suck. I get it.
(Thank you to @viciousxwriter on Instagram for requesting this! Keep 'em coming!)
Everyone that I make watch Hot Rod with me thinks it's the most stupid movie. I love stupid humor, and maybe that's why no one understands what I laugh about. The plot revolves around a stuntman, Rod Kimble, who performs amateur stunts to raise money for his step father's heart surgery, with the help of his neighbour (Isla as 'Denise'), step brother and group of friends. It stars SNL actors The Lonely Island, Bill Hader, and Isla Fisher. Truly 'squad goals' if you ask me. I've seen it waaaaay too many times to count and still laugh as hard each time.
Right off the bat, this entry was a weird one for me to write. I don't usually pinpoint a specific person to write about most days - generally just ideas, thoughts, fashion, etc. but it wasn't a question that this was just as important to me. Today would've been River Phoenix's 45th birthday, but of course, cut short in the early hours of Halloween in 1993. He was 23. I don't like talking about his death. You could google it and find out a play-by-play of what happened that night, but today isn't about that, therefore, I won't be going into it too much.
I got a request by @lolohkristen on Instagram to share this outfit with y'all! Thank you for the suggestion. I'm always up for it. Keep requesting! This 90's-esque outfit was inspired by Paul Rudd's character, Josh, in the 1995 movie 'Clueless'. Maybe I'm the only one, but I think Paul Rudd is kind of attractive... A lot of my friends beg to differ. What do y'all think? I mean, I can't be the only one..
ANYHOW - inspiration/outfit/makeup details are down below!
(Don't mind the iPhone quality photos... my mom took my camera with her on a trip!)
INSPIRATION: Josh and his array of button up flannels
I woke up in the middle of the night after an hour of sleep. It was 4:21 AM and I just couldn't fall back. It's not always the best thing. I woke up from a dream with no retained memory of it - besides the person in it and that it was a good one. Though, I closed my eyes and all I felt was fear, even though there was absolutely nothing to fear. It was hot and the window was cracked, yet I still buried myself under the covers. I was scared for no reason. The dark, maybe? I drank a coffee and accepted the fact I wouldn't be falling back asleep.
I'm a big believer in that whole thing about positivity being contagious. Maybe I believe in it too much, I don't know. But if there's something I do know, it's that attitude is contagious; whether it be the best of you or the opposite.. And it took me way too long to notice.
I get asked quite a lot - "how are you always so happy?!" and I don't really have a definite answer. I think some people have this illusion that I'm happy 24/7. Untrue. Things make me tick. I have these weird mood swings. I'm uninterested. I have a certain distaste for a lot of things/people/ideas. I'm annoyed when the birds chirp outside my window, when instead I should be grateful that I even woke up in the morning. Some days I really don't want to be spoken to, even by my best friends. I'll be the first to admit - I suck at being nice sometimes. Though, one thing I've learned is to always make an effort to bring the good vibes (shout-out to you Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch), for lack of better words, wherever I go. Think of it this way - you could change the mood of an entire room of people depending on how you carry yourself. I'm not saying to wear your best fake smile or give a handful of empty compliments, but instead, do what it takes to try your best; to be your best, to be genuine with yourself and with others. It's easy to overlook how much influence you have as a human being!
I'm not quite sure if there's anything more clarifying for the mind than being out in the open wilderness. I shut my wifi off and only took my phone out to snap a couple pics - and it felt good, you know? In a sense, to me, nature is synonymous with spirituality and proposes this positive outlook that isn't hard to miss.
I probably drank more coffee than I should have. I love coffee, but I try not to drink it. All it does is keep me up at night and give me heart palpitations. I also took time to write in an uncoerced kind of nature/setup.
Enjoy these pictures. I hope it gives you a glimpse into feeling what I felt.
Soak up the sun and hear a couple songs on my playlist, as of late.
Here's me being super shameless about my 5 year imaginary relationship with One Direction. I can't believe I waited that long to finally see them live.. and yeah, it happened. Three days prior, my favourite member dropped the bomb that he was going to be a dad. Alright, alright. Let's be honest here - that didn't quite excite me. Instead it made me want to eat a tub of Ben & Jerry's and think of what it was like to be a 1D fan in 2011 again (anyone remember those days?). I went into the show feeling completely miserable and down about a couple things floating around my head... but left feeling rather content. Initially, when Zayn has announced his departure from the group, I was ready to sell my tickets. It wouldn't be the same (and it wasn't).
This wasn't exactly what I pictured my first One Direction concert to be like - in fact, not One Direction in it's entirety, but rather Harry/Niall/Louis/Liam; but it was still something.
I had a request to do a skin care routine awhile back and today I am finally sharing my secrets with you! I'm totally kidding, I don't have any secrets when it comes to my skin... I don't even have a regular routine. All I really can say is that I've been genetically blessed to not have to deal with any acne/blemishes for the most part (shouts out to mom + dad, y'all got my back). The ladies at Sephora always ask me what foundation I wear and I love the looks on their faces when I say I don't wear any on a regular day. However, I'm not off the hook either. I tend to have really dry skin which requires some moisturizing.
Ah, we meet again at an unearthly hour.
I had a couple thoughts running around my head as of late, so I thought I'd share a bit. What a thing it is to be single. In my head, the switch goes on and off quite frequently. Some days are better than others when it comes to dealing with being single and feeling alone while the rest of the world is seemingly in love. It's unavoidable for the most part. I can't walk down the street without seeing a few couples and even more so, my own friends are in relationships. When I was younger, looking to the age I'm at now all seemed so far away and out of my reach. I thought I'd be the 'coolest', the most 'popular', and I thought I'd have the biggest babe of a boyfriend - all the thoughts from my 8 year old self. Boy, was I wrong.
I'm putting myself out on a limb being up this late. I truly am. My sleeping schedule has been so terrible lately from being out on the road for awhile (not complaining, i'd stay up long enough to see 1092874 sunrises if it meant to do it all again). On tour, all I played was Miguel. Before bed in my bunk, getting dressed before the shows, in the shower... You get the point. There's just something about a smooth voice that sings about art and love and all the things that run through my head. All the things I, personally, could never articulate through my own words. He does it well.
A friend is touring with him this summer and I may be stopping to see a show. I'm pumped.
x lj
Coming home from a good trip always sucks. From the past week, I visited more cities than I can even keep track of - places I never thought I'd be visiting in a long time/ever. Traveling is one of my favourite things to do.... ever, and to share it with good people is a complete other thing. Good, light spirits and endless laughter/inside jokes didn't lack on this trip and ultimately was what kept me excited to wake up every morning. I was welcomed back on tour with a box of Philip's Chocolate turtles waiting for me in my bunk.
I met a handful of new people everyday, ran into old faces and bonded with the ones I already knew. I even chatted with Vanilla Ice about Vegetarianism! There wasn't a time when I didn't have fun... and even when I wasn't doing anything, it was still all "fun" to me. Sleeping was fun. Eating was fun. Hanging out was fun. Even breathing was fun. There was not a single lack of love for anything on the last leg of the tour. I loved it all.
Here are some equally as good snaps that didn't make it onto the 'gram but probably should've. Enjoy these:
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Ehhhh, if you know anything about me you'd know why this is my favourite photo in the universe. HA. |
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A crowd well over 20,000+ people at Hershey Park in Hershey, PA. |
I'M BACK, Y'ALL. Feelin' so new and refreshed almost post exams.
I have no clue what the structure of my content will be like for the next month or so since I've been majorly occupied with life things. Exciting life things! For one, I've been traveling a lot (and there will be a lot more of that real soon), traveling being the main reason I haven't been able to write to you more frequently. However, I'm hoping to share some new content from wherever my adventures take me over the summer. I always like to say that my friends are who motivate me to write and are truly the ones who support me the most.
My insecurities that I never acknowledged seemed to appear recently. If there's anything I've learned, it's just to try your hardest at whatever is thrown at you. My grandparents have always told me since I was just a young little bean: "be the best you can be". Truly, be the best you can.. Even when things don't go your way. I've also learned that achieving certain goals are difficult. Jeez, have I really learned. Progress takes awhile to show itself, but builds character along the way. It's all worth it, I swear.
ANYHOW, here's a little photo recap of what I've been up to the past month:
As you guys may have seen in a post previously, while I was in California, I had the chance to finally buy the American Candy vinyl at Amoeba Records. With the luck I have, I happened to unknowingly pick out the deformed + warped record out of the bunch. It scratches every time I play the opening track (which gives me an excuse to go and grab another one if I can find it in Canada!). Let me tell you right off the bat - the creative design on this thing is amazing.
The cut off shirt above was designed by Joel Kanitz of This Century for The Maine's 2014 Warped Tour line. Since I've had it, I've seen my aunt + my mom wear it at least a couple times.. It's that comfortable and rad-looking.
Here are a few more shots of the outfit:
I don't own a lot of bell bottoms and when I found these on the sale rack at Forever 21, I practically plunged towards them. And of course, what better to partner a little 60's/70's flare with some Nick Santino merch? He just gives off that 70's rock and roll vibe, and I don't know - maybe it's a lot to do with the hair and vagabond feel he's got going for him.
It's that busy time of year again in a dancer's life. The end of another hectic season.
Rehearsals, rehearsals, compiled on top of more rehearsals. This week we hit the theatre for our first onstage run throughs for our production of Don Quiote.
Rehearsals, rehearsals, compiled on top of more rehearsals. This week we hit the theatre for our first onstage run throughs for our production of Don Quiote.
Contrary from the band's individual merchandise on the website, 8123 has an array of different... well, 8123 branded clothing. I always get asked about the numbers when I wear it out in public - I guess it's a good way to advertise to all the curious humans out there.
THIS BAG. This sturdy little bag has been EVERYWHERE. Anywhere you can imagine. Even when it's not being a globetrotter + sitting on various airport floors, it comes along with me daily to my ballet studio. It's been in use everyday for over a year straight; money's worth you could say?
Laying in the middle of a parking lot and taking photos is quite dangerous and I really don't recommend it. What's more rock and roll than all black + a little leather? My aunt actually told me the only thing really missing from these photos is a burning cigarette. And surprisingly, I couldn't agree more.
By now, everyone probably knows how enthusiastic I am about 8123 - whether it be the fact I carry around my 8123 duffel everywhere I go or my incessant + shameless amount of posts on Instagram. If you aren't too familiar with 8123, I'll do my best to describe what it is.. or what it means to me, at the very least. I get asked very (and when I mean 'very'.. i mean very) often about what the four numbers symbolize and to be completely honest, I can't seem to pinpoint an answer that will take me less than 10 minutes to describe.