What a weird year it's been, truly. I floated for the vast majority of it and can hardly remember anything. A friend described 2016 as seeing the "realest" version of myself, for the first time. And by "realest" i mean breakdowns on top of bad days and hardly any sleep and panic attacks, drowned into a cocktail of my own tears. If that doesn't sound depressing, then I really don't know what else is. It's weird to think about. I was only happy last year.
For someone who is big into fashion, I don't actually get out and shop as often as everyone thinks I do. I guess this mini 'haul' was partly made possible due to my friends working at these specific stores + giving me their discounts, hahah. Shoutout to Meg and Gloria for hooking it all up.
These were taken from around December 2015 - July 2016 and developed not too shortly after (I had totally forgotten to write an entry on them). A lot of these you've already seen on Instagram if you happen to follow me on there. Enjoy these just like I enjoyed taking them. A lot of photos of my friends and the city. I miss them.
I just realized that it's been awhile since I've last shared what music has been on repeat for the past bit, let alone written on this thing, for that matter. I apologize once again! Life is pulling me in so many directions right now, I can hardly think/see/write straight. My playlist has been a little bit of everything lately - Usher to Marcy Playground to The Killers to Solange. I'm on Spotify if you want to check out some of my playlists as well! @LEGACYJYNN, as per usual.
It's been awhile since I've written an honest update beyond what's happening in my mind/life on more than just a surface level. Mainly because I've been extremely caught up in the hustle and bustle of my daily schedule, that I have no time to elaborate any further than just narrating platonic events of my day. I hate that. I want the words I say to be honest and vulnerable; not just a dreamt up version or illusion of what people see my life to be.
It's a good mix of being anxious and nervous. I'm terrified of feeling hollow, I'm petrified of losing passion for things I put my soul into. A couple weeks ago I ran through this (rather cynical, kind of vicious) cycle of falling out of touch with my craft. I began to feel I was no longer good at writing and my words no longer held any true meaning to me, let alone to anyone else. My creative circuit was cut. I wrecked my brain for a spark, only to find myself suffocating in smoke. For myself, this is a wakeup call to when things start to get dangerous. Creativity is the catalyst to every living part of me and when I can no longer will myself to create - I can no longer pour myself into what I love.
I'm in a better headspace as of right now. Still, it would be a lie to say all my doubt is cleansed, when in reality, I feel the question of if what I'm doing is actually worth something - taking over the core of me. If what I'm writing is even meaningful anymore. If what I'm chasing after is worth the chase. So quit chasing feelings. Quit chasing temporary emotion. Chase passion. Chase the attributes you wish to channel.
A SUDDEN SNAP BACK INTO REALITY. I have a voice - yes I do. More importantly, I have something to say. There's a major difference between the two. You can be running your mouth without saying a single thing. Substance is almost everything in this virtual pixellated world. I never want to be soulless, without a heartbeat or airflow through my lungs. The day I stop writing is the day I run dry of things to say, and God forbid, I hope I never live to see it.
You know, it's okay to put yourself first sometimes. Put yourself in a headspace that benefit your well being, I promise it's worth it and it's not "selfish". Take time to fall back in love with what you love and give time to brew passion to the brim. Have faith in yourself, you are all you have.
And if you aren't finding what you want.... Good news. You can create it.
All my love,
x lj
Between busy schedules, my pal Gloria and I found some time to shoot a few rolls of film. After grabbing a couple donuts at Cartem's (my favourite spot, by the way -- original donut plz), we shot around Main St. and at Bloedel Conservatory. Bloedel had exotic birds flying everywhere and it was legit a terrifying experience for someone who doesn't particularly like birds aka me. Shooting with film is a little tricky because you really only have a few set chances to get "perfect" shots, which you can't take a look at until they are developed. Mad respect to people who shoot film.
This was also the morning after a late night on the cruise cruise - blistered feet, no voice and tangled hair. Also sick.
Yaaaasss! We've made it past September! Barely! Kind of! It's been a busy month, not too much to say really, but a lot of planning for the future. Growing up is strange. Midst the madness of September, I listed up a few favourite things. Kinda Drake-y. Kind of all over the place.
I look like a lost puppy LOL |
I know this entry is a little late and overdue, seeing as I've announced it elsewhere - but I'm extremely over the moon/excited/happy/ecstatic/etc. to be one of the newest writers for Unclear Magazine! Truthfully, it'd been a long time coming and the journey to being happy with where I am now as a writer had become a little disheartening. Writing for a collective/publication/magazine/amongst a group of creatives had always been something I've wanted to experience at some point and believe me -- I've tried previously, all of which have ended up in failed attempt. Timing might have been off or the universe had its ways of telling me I wasn't ready, I'm not sure I'll ever know for sure.
Fast forward to midway through this year, Gloria, a friend of mine (and also the most amazing, stellar photographer ever, duh) texted me that a magazine was doing open calls for writers/photographers/creatives and that I should give it a shot. And so I did, and here I am writing this entry to you. Already, within my first month and a bit, have a couple things to look forward to in the coming months - so stay tuned! Big thank you to the Unclear team for letting me write without restrictions and with arms wides open, extending a platform for me to share with a new crowd. I can't wait to grow alongside a team and help build this amazing publication. Also thank you to Gloria for always helping me grow as a writer and feeding me new ideas/opportunities. I'm so lucky to know someone like you.
And how could I ever forget - thank you to whoever has paid mind to anything I've ever written. It still means the very world to me, I know I say that too much. The encouragement, support and whatever else you've shown me never goes unnoticed, whether it be through a comment, 'like' or even just simply taking in what I have to say. As a writer, my only aim is to get across to people who might feel the same way, hoping to make it clear that there is someone else in this world who feels the exact same as they might. Slowly, slowly making these writing dreams into reality and letting the words run wild....
x lj
For the last week of freedom (aka summer vacation), we decided to take a plane ride and a road trip from home to California. The last time I recall being in California I remember leaving feeling extremely out of place and completely isolated from the city. This time around I felt a little more at ease and just content with everything. It's funny what a year can do. Here's a little video I put up on my old, abandoned youtube channel. Can't promise any future videos, but thumbs it up + subscribe, you can even comment, if you enjoyed it - just in case, you never know. But don't get your hopes up, I personally don't even know.
x lj
I can't fathom how fast summer flew by. Well, technically it's still summer until the 21st, but the start of classes automatically marks the end in my books. The last two months have been such a blur. Headaches, caffeine and just plain longing. I don't feel like there was any 'winding down' to do at the end of summer because there was simply nothing to wind down from. It was steady and comfortable -- but almost too comfortable for me. Coming forth, I guess the upcoming 10 months are going to be unlike anything I've experienced yet, and to tell you the truth -- I'm a little scared. I don't know how to explain it exactly. It's simultaneously being so young and feeling so old.. but also feeling so young and confused and lost in general, without a single sense of direction.
But do I really want to know where I'm at? Does anyone really know where they are at?
My interests fluctuate so frequently I can hardly keep up with myself sometimes (I'm about half joking, haha). I know the month isn't over just yet, but I figured I'd share a few of my favourites early -- for no reason. Just because! August reminds me of a lot of things and in short, is when I start to feel summer winding down. This upcoming month is about to be the start of something new, yet simultaneously the end of something (but I'll save that 'something' for many, many long and wordy entries to come...).
Anyways, here are some things I enjoyed this last month -- hope you dig.
Portland never fails to be weird - but don't be fooled. The word "weird" is never to be confused with negative connotation. But I swear to it, there is always something different in the water every single time I visit. Dancing juice/potions/spells/whatever. I'm sure that's what it was this time around because I quite literally could. not. stop. dancing. How it is possible to shake ya booty to The Story So Far? Great question, but it was done and it was done proud.
I've never really known what it's like to get flowers from someone on a regular basis or even on those other useless Hallmark holidays. Valentine's Day was never anything I believed in or found appealing. I always grew my own roses anyways. In my garden, yes, but also in each and every crack and crevice between the pieces of broken pavement in my brain. I let them grow. I set my own expectations and every let down was at my cost, by my own hands. Never anyone else's. In my mind, that doubled as a blessing and a curse. I like the idea of having control; being the only one able to make myself whole.
Hands. Sometimes I get carried away in the idea of someone else's to hold. They remind me of the galaxies fusing to fit; how perfectly the stars align exactly where they are needed, exactly where they fall in place - they just know. Because it's natural. Then again, I remember. Hands. A reparation and demolition tool. I'd rather lose at my own cost, be demolished by my own hands and repaired by the same ones, than be reliant on someone that may never show. Oasis once said something along the lines of never putting your life in someone else's hands, for they have the power to throw it all away. In their case, a rock and roll band, specifically, but in my case - your hands. This is what I fear.
I wrote my own love poems - and no. Not for the reason that you wouldn't write them for me, but because you never wrote the story correctly. You forgot to mention how much I love that Devil and God album by Brand New and even forgot that my backbone runs askew. I took pride in piecing back together my broken spine and growing beds of flowers in my mind; where they would fit and ultimately where they belonged, only because you didn't. I was written into a vision I knew I could never fill, I'm sure you only ever wrote about me for your own selfish thrill.
And as hard as it is to say, I know I will always be partly at fault. I push everyone away, even the ones who want so badly to stay. To those - I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it. I never felt our hands truly did fit.
Clearly, I'm no romantic, but maybe one day I'll understand.
For right now, I'll keep the reparation/demolition all in my own two hands.
x lj
2:03 AM
2:03 AM
I'm never quite sure how to wrap my head around how you truly are.
It's in your eyes. It has always been - communicating words you want to say but would never show. It's just something you do. Eyes of greens and greys, reminiscent of autumn mornings and fields of haze. They read my intricate bones, they guide me on my way back home.
But maybe - just maybe, you aren't any of these things - maybe you are. Once again, I'm never too sure of you. Maybe this is the product of what I dreamt you up to be.
You are in all of these things, filling each and every busy corner in places that now deserve a second look. Places I wouldn't dare explore before I met you. Songs I would have skipped before I met you. Some peace of mind I wouldn't have known before I met you.
x lj
Shot by Margaret Sha
Shot by Margaret Sha
I always enjoy trying on clothing that isn't mine. I absolutely love going through my friends' closets and finding little pieces I don't have in my own. The other day, I went over to my best friend's house and took my three favourite items of hers: a (faux) leather jacket, an oversized thrifted t-shirt, and some mustard brown pants. Helps having style savy friends -- am I right?
In wake of recent events, my heart has been upstarted in my chest; my stomach constantly feeling churned out of anxiety. Why is this becoming a familiar feeling? It shouldn't be.
The frustration brewing inside of me could never put all I have to say into words. I am left speechless, angry, tired - all of these things, but not defeated. I do not feel defeated. There is a fight that still needs to be fought.
My concern lies in our generation and more importantly, in the mentality of the upcoming. Thinking of the condition of the world that we may raise our children and their children and our children's children in scares me beyond measures. With a society that constantly steals and appropriates from black culture -- won't society at least know to take a stand for the people behind the culture they steal from? The culture being discriminated against? The ones who are killed on the daily without justice being served? We, as a collective society, take all we want from black culture, but after it is all said and done, do we show up for black lives? It irks me that the masses seem to be concerned with being deemed "racist" than with racism itself. That doesn't sit well with me.
A discussion I had a long while back with a couple of my good friends comes to mind, sparked by a song titled "White Privilege II". Black Lives Matter. Think of it as a simple analogy of a single house on fire, midst a subdivision of many houses. The fire department wouldn't arrive and hose down all the houses - simply because they are not all burning. In that moment, the burning house matters most. The burning house needs the most help.
My heart is beyond broken for the families of the victims wrongfully taken. How are you to explain to a young daughter that vulnerability of her father's life was placed in and taken by the hands of someone we are told to put trust in to protect us? It leads me to believe that, chances are, the victims were too good for what is happening on this earth right now. Violence, hate, brutality and political mistrust will never win, I cannot promise a lot of things, but I can at least promise you that.
As a person of colour, it is only right that support is shown in the direction it needs to be. We must raise awareness for issues amongst other races where the injustice is evidently prevalent. Using the internet on various platforms, I believe it is my responsibility to spread awareness and take a stand for those who are no longer with us; who can no longer speak. Yes, I have experienced my own share of discrimination against my culture and have seen racism being spread around Asian customs, but by first glance, no one bothers to deem us as "criminals" or "thugs". This is a stereotype many black Americans deal with every day. I will likely never experience, know or understand the fear of getting pulled over by a cop and having a gun drawn at me. For that, I recognize how lucky I am. This may not be my reality, but it is for many. Right now, I am not important. This is not about me. I never want my closest friends, cousins of half-black decent, or anyone - for that matter, to ever have to be afraid of the people who are supposed to protect them.
Realize that this is not something taken out of an ancient history book. This is happening in 2016 - a time when you and I are alive and walking this earth. A very wise and stellar history teacher once said something I will never forget: "fear drives politics". To that, I expand and apply his statement to the current circumstances. Though, hopefully, this lingering "fear" is for the condition of the world and not a fear of skin colour or fear of senseless acts of police brutality. Do not be disconnected from the truth of this reality. This is real. This is happening.
We must progress as a society to a place where race, religion, gender, sexual orientation - where the colour of our skin - doesn't alter how we are treated or how we treat each other. Importance and worth do not depend on any of these factors. Erase the stigma. We are not here to take a life for a life. We are not to be or feel defeated. We are not done here, we are far from it.
Be the change. Use your voice. You can do great things by speaking up, I swear it be true.
You are heard.
x lj
A two month hiatus is long enough, right? Seemingly long enough to get a few things together (myself, included), set my priorities and to clear my mind a bit. Some would call it "writer's block" and I would be led to call it a "creative block", but I don't believe in that. Inspiration is everywhere and most days we are just blind; susceptible to believing we don't have it in us when we do. Within the past two months I've experienced a lot more than expected - some good, a handful of bad, and a lot of plain haziness... tossed in with six seasons of The Office and one too many bags of flaming hot cheetos.
It took weeks to fully reflect and begin the preliminary stages of healing after losing someone close to my heart. I'm led to believe, and thoroughly convinced, that the hardest part about a sudden passing is never being able to say what was needed. For that, I am beyond heartbroken; heartbroken I will never get another chat, laugh or chance to say everything I still had in me. So say it - and say it while you still have the chance. You don't have the people you love forever, even the ones you know to be the strongest.
All I can describe this as is some kind of beautiful mess.
A beautiful mess. It's a mixture of everything, above all things. It's taking loss and turning it into life again. This is healing. It's the odd day when feeling the sun on your skin doesn't burn, when most days you would shy away from the light. It's a Saturday midnight catching up with friends by the bay. Really, this "beautiful mess" can be anything you choose.
It took weeks to fully reflect and begin the preliminary stages of healing after losing someone close to my heart. I'm led to believe, and thoroughly convinced, that the hardest part about a sudden passing is never being able to say what was needed. For that, I am beyond heartbroken; heartbroken I will never get another chat, laugh or chance to say everything I still had in me. So say it - and say it while you still have the chance. You don't have the people you love forever, even the ones you know to be the strongest.
All I can describe this as is some kind of beautiful mess.
A beautiful mess. It's a mixture of everything, above all things. It's taking loss and turning it into life again. This is healing. It's the odd day when feeling the sun on your skin doesn't burn, when most days you would shy away from the light. It's a Saturday midnight catching up with friends by the bay. Really, this "beautiful mess" can be anything you choose.
Above is a little excerpt I contributed to the Local Wolves magazine for their May issue (which you can check out here). Written above is a little reminder that bad days end and better ones come again. Take care of yourself and take care of each other - give what you have to those who need it more than you do.
Through all of this -- I've recently learned that I am the greatest BS-er in the history of all BS-ers, especially when it comes to writing essays. That, and also the fact that everything eventually clears if you choose to let the sun back in.
We're all alright.
x lj
Crisis mode. I'm 100% positive that satan planned The 1975 and James Bay playing in the same city, on the same night. What a nightmare; I mean, how are you supposed to decide between the two -- especially when The 1975 just released a bombass record and James Bay is James Bay?! I had already seen The 1975 once in 2014 and the James Bay tickets were a gift for my birthday, so naturally, I decided to stick with 'em and not sell it.. well and I guess he's just that good.
I have so much doubt in my system, it's unhealthy. Doubt about the future. Doubt with trust. Doubt in faith. Doubt about 'friendship'. Doubting other people. Doubt in myself. At the rate I've used the word 'doubt', I don't remember its true meaning anymore. I step back and ask myself if feeling this disconnected from everything/everyone is normal. It seems as if being in my own head is the only place I feel most comfortable, but sometimes comfort is overrated and not what I want. It's never what I want. Then again, maybe something good will come from straying from comfort. Doesn't it always?
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Shot by Gloria Wong, clothing by Esthetic Supply. |
The first thing I want to clear out is that only real problem I have associated with the term 'feminist' or 'feminism' is when people use it to be apart of a fad. It is not a fad, it is a movement -- and yes, it is so real. It is not something 'cool' one second and gone the next. We're talking women's lives here. We're talking rights and freedoms. We're talking inequality. We're talking equality. We're talking power risen from a struggle. This is no fad. We almost don't need the label to define us... it's not something to be called or to be said solely, it's something to be DONE. Don't be fooled - you don't have to be a woman to support this movement.
Feminism is not the idea of female superiority over the male gender, but rather a crusade for equality.
Feminism is not the idea of female superiority over the male gender, but rather a crusade for equality.
Sometimes it's as simple as saying "I'm going to wear this today because it is my body", and that's how it should be. I'll wear my Slipknot shirt if I want to. I'll wear dark lipstick that everyone hates... just to piss them off and because, well, I like it. I'll wear my bralette with nothing on top, exposing the bones in my chest if I want to. I'll wear a mens hoodie that drapes over my entire body and is 4 sizes too big for my little frame. I'll wear nothing if I want to. Since when did respect come solely from clothing or what we adorn our bodies with? Since when did that becoming the deciding factor on how we view people? It's MY body, I'll wear what I want. It's MY body, I'll do what I want.
Is my shoulder distracting? What about my boney chest? That's not my problem. It's likely yours.
It seems the monotonous model construct of a perfect woman is to be dainty, with all 'suggestive' body parts covered, who is careful of pleasing others by doing what she is told. By the way, there is absolutely nothing wrong with covering up cleavage or being as fragile as fine china -- that is not the point I am trying to get across, but the over-sexualization breeds a new issue. Why people sexualize a bare shoulder? I don't know. Why schools ban solely females from wearing shorts? A tank top? A rip in her jeans? I will never understand. Clothing and bodily adornments shouldn't be the pinpoint of focus here. People spend too much time obsessing over other people's "modesty" that something as simple, yet important, as education... it gets pushed aside. We need to encourage education. We need to teach kids proper values and how to respect one another regardless of circumstance/race/skin colour/gender/sexual orientation/religion. This is what is important. This is what the kids need. This is ultimately what will make the world go around. It's not always an issue about clothing, it's more of an issue revolving around lack of respect. I hate the comparison between what is "modest" and what is deemed "immoral". A lot of the time, it's beyond more than just a clothing issue - it's way, way beyond that. Respect is respect and if you cannot respect a certain 'type' of woman, you are missing the point completely. You cannot say you actually respect women.
We need to support each other. Girls need to support other girls -- that's the bottom line. I've admittedly had my faults and struggles with this. Jealousy, bitterness and resentment get in the way a lot of the time, but I'm working on it every single day. We need to stop putting each other down/against each other and start standing together; this doesn't just apply to us, but to the entire humankind. When we support each other and when we empower each other, we are unstoppable - I kid you not.
Don't be afraid to speak up; for yourself, for each other. I learned this from watching videos from watching Amber Rose speak at her annual 'SlutWalk', a movement against gender inequality, victim blaming, sexual violence and derogatory labels. Having a voice is not synonymous to being a 'bitch'... if anything, the only 'bitch' it will make you is an educated, honest, vocally engaged badass bitch who knows her worth and will not stick around to hear anything less. It seems that in 2016, people STILL believe that a woman's place is to stay silent, to be fully covered in clothing to be respected, and are viewed to not succeed as far as the typical man would. It's been said that every man has a fear of a strong minded woman and I believe it. You have a voice, so use it. Never let anyone belittle you because you are a woman or go as far as telling you what you can or cannot do because you "aren't strong enough", because you are "too girly" or "not girly enough", let alone -- because you are a girl.
If you couldn't already tell, I'm bewildered that this is still an issue. Yes, I want a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup right now.... but I want equality even more. I haven't even began to touch base on all I have to say.
If you couldn't already tell, I'm bewildered that this is still an issue. Yes, I want a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup right now.... but I want equality even more. I haven't even began to touch base on all I have to say.
Peace (an all male band, I might add..) says in their song titled, 'I'm A Girl', "If we're living in a man's world / I'm a girl". Even though I am quite literally a girl, if this world is deemed a 'man's'.... Every ounce of me would still choose to be a 'girl'. Wear dark lipstick, even hot pink, or none at all; whatever your preference is. Paint your nails and flaunt 'em -- but even then, always remember just how fast and easy it is to pull the trigger even with your nails drying.
So shoot.
It's all in your power.
x lj
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Worn with 'WHIRL' lipliner from MAC |
COLOUR: Like all lip colours, Lolita's hue varies on different skin tones. The colour I expected to be on my lips wasn't what it actually was - and I don't mean that in a bad way. Since my skin is a little more pale, somewhat milky and cool-toned, it came on a little more vibrant than I thought. A lot of other reviews have said it came out "too brown", but personally, I found it pulled a lot more reddish/pink tones than the brownish mauve nudish tone I wanted. However - that is just my take on the colour. It all comes down to preference!
I suggest you try it out before you purchase it!
I suggest you try it out before you purchase it!
Midst an overly busy (crazy, and confusing) week, my partner in crime/business partner/boss lady of a friend and I had the opportunity to shoot some photos with the talented Gloria Wong, styled in Esthetic Supply. We asked Hana to style us in a few outfits from her store that she thought best represented us and naturally, I'll admit the difficulty of choosing clothing pieces in hue (I'm working on it people, I'm working on it... kind of... or not).
More photos from the shoot below the jump:
This video was something that pulled a chord somewhere in me that stayed long enough to linger for the entire week. Today marks the 1st year anniversary of the release of 'AMERICAN CANDY' by The Maine; I recall this song as being the first one to really catch my attention, it was the one song I immediately called a favourite -- upbeat, a catchy guitar riff, assertive lyrics.. etc. A year later, I'm still convinced it's one of the strongest songs on the record.. yet, also one of the more overlooked, underrated tracks.
I woke up this morning (like any other), walked straight to the washroom and bestowed in front of me was a mirror and my reflection staring me back in the face. Without makeup. Uneven skin tone. Hair in knots. Lanky arms. Weird bone structure. Retainer in place. Scar on my left eyebrow. Tired eyes. This is my normal; nowhere near perfect. As an aspiring ballerina, I've spent most of my life stationed in front of a mirror, critiquing every single pirouette/grande jeté/pas de chat.. etc. Along with the technical critique, physical criticism doesn't fall far either. Dancers are long and lanky (as mentioned in the music video). I am not long and lanky (except my abnormally long arms). I'm not tall enough. My left leg is shorter than my right; making my right hip noticeably much higher than the left. My flexibility isn't near as good as it should be. My legs aren't toned enough. I'm not as skinny as the next girl. My features aren't that of the classic ballerina.
It's kind of late -- I don't know what you'd expect from me at this point. My head's been stuck in some constant abyss of absolutely everything, (blessing or a curse, you can decide). I've been in and out of bad sleep for awhile now - months maybe, but more so, I've noticed the past 16 days have been the worst (or the best, even...). If I'm not wide eyed until 3 in the morning, I'm asleep and waking almost every hour.
Despite everything I just said that may have made you think that my life is an actual living nightmare, good doesn't fall very far. All the time I've spent awake is mostly used up on thinking and thinking and more thinking; probably a little over, but I don't always believe that is a bad thing. Thinking and writing go hand in hand - talking doesn't fall far behind. I like to talk. I like to think about something and talk about it with someone... then write about it. I think it's something that is built into a standard writer's mind; to write about everything, quite literally everything, to write in heavy detail. Detail is important - honesty and intricacy is everything; in thinking, talking and writing. Everybody talks, but do they know what they are actually saying?
My friend Hana runs a sick online store of curated vintage clothing [which you can check out here] and I copped this plaid cloak from her last year. And yes -- I am 100% aware I look like a pale, disturbed, 236 year old vampire that hasn't slept or seen sunlight for the entirety of my being. The outside world is strange to a vampire like me.
That's okay. People are strange; as am I.
"Weird" is an understatement when I think about how time works and how fast it goes. My little blog is two years old today. As I've said previously -- progress with blogging comes along during the process. I wholeheartedly believe in organic art from a sincere place instead of manufactured garbage out of pure greed. I also believe in growing this blog out of honesty, and I'll admit -- my consistency hasn't gone as I had hoped or planned within the recent months. My daily grind has gotten a bit more hectic and other things are forced onto the front burners of my mind now, as opposed to maybe two years ago when this whole blog idea came to life.
Still, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to what I put out. I'm either proud or it won't make any part of this blog. That's always been a rule of thumb for any creative project I've worked on. Sometimes it really is a matter of stopping and reevaluating your personal standards. A true artist should never be satisfied and the sacrifice that comes along with it is definitely a big part of that discussion as well. If you aren't scared of what you've created... you aren't near being done yet.
Still, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to what I put out. I'm either proud or it won't make any part of this blog. That's always been a rule of thumb for any creative project I've worked on. Sometimes it really is a matter of stopping and reevaluating your personal standards. A true artist should never be satisfied and the sacrifice that comes along with it is definitely a big part of that discussion as well. If you aren't scared of what you've created... you aren't near being done yet.
100 POSTS?! Are you kidding me? I'm in over my head with this thing. All jokes, I love writing on this blog and I'll continue to do so until my fingers fall off from typing. To commemorate my 100th post, I decided to compile 100 useless facts about myself - because, why not? Know me a little better. Go ahead.
1. No, it is not "style" or a "fad" that part of my left eyebrow is, well... gone (and yes, people have asked). I have a scar from hitting my head on a coffee table as a kid.. (makes my eyebrow game even more so impressive)
Pursuing an education is probably one of the biggest things in my life right now. To even begin to describe the amount of pressure I feel is so difficult.. it would be an understatement to only measure it by saying "a lot". I'm sure some of you reading this have felt similarly at some point or can resonate with this whole idea of educational pursuit. Being able to pursue an education is something we disregard so quickly mainly because it's readily accessible to us. It's such a privilege to go to school everyday -- I wish the kids of this and the next and all the following generations would/will know. I wish I would stop complaining about how early my alarm is set for class in the morning; little things like that should be irrelevant. Some will never even get the opportunity. Some will never know what it is like to be able to get to learn like we do.
Who really opened my eyes to this was Ryan Adams. He raised a point about attitude that has always been unforgettable to me. "Man, I gotta get up and do three interviews today, I've got a performance on BBC, then a show...". He then said, "I don't know how it's going to be, but I'm going to have an amazing time doing it. Even if I cannot seem to produce any alchemy, man, I'm going to be in the lab and I'm gonna be mixing all the ingredients. I get to do it. It's so great. I get to do this." The way he started that sentence was "I get to". We get to. We get to learn. We get to have an education. We get the opportunity to do things, yet still, people don't take what is in front of them.
Who really opened my eyes to this was Ryan Adams. He raised a point about attitude that has always been unforgettable to me. "Man, I gotta get up and do three interviews today, I've got a performance on BBC, then a show...". He then said, "I don't know how it's going to be, but I'm going to have an amazing time doing it. Even if I cannot seem to produce any alchemy, man, I'm going to be in the lab and I'm gonna be mixing all the ingredients. I get to do it. It's so great. I get to do this." The way he started that sentence was "I get to". We get to. We get to learn. We get to have an education. We get the opportunity to do things, yet still, people don't take what is in front of them.
My eyes are heavy as I type to you.
Scatterbrained at its finest, I think.
The last few days have been pretty rough with a terrible dry cough trapped in my chest and a throat that feels like rocks, sandpaper, un-smoothed pavement and like someone dropped a cheese grater down it -- all at once. Sound rough? I've also resorted to breathing from solely my mouth. Yikes.
Today I sat down and rummaged through my blog and read old entries that I had forgotten about completely. It was weird to me. All the trips/adventures/stories/words seemed so long ago and so foreign; I couldn't help but feel a little empty inside. Things were well then, things are still well now... but seemed better then. Does that make any sense? You don't have to agree with me -- because in a way, I don't agree with myself either. I seemed happy then - why am I not as happy now? What's missing? What's different? I think I know; but I don't want to say.
This is my attempt at being "honest", however my definition of "honest" is perceived.
Well - here's a break from all the personal entries of 2016, thus far!
Lately I've been super into makeup and all about growing my product collection.. So I thought some of you might be interested in a little glam tutorial! I wish I had the time to beat my face like this everyday, if we're being honest here. Most mornings I just roll out of bed, do my eyebrows [with my eyes half open, ha.] and call it a day. Looking to start practicing on other faces as well this year! Hmm.... Ideas, ideas.
Lately I've been super into makeup and all about growing my product collection.. So I thought some of you might be interested in a little glam tutorial! I wish I had the time to beat my face like this everyday, if we're being honest here. Most mornings I just roll out of bed, do my eyebrows [with my eyes half open, ha.] and call it a day. Looking to start practicing on other faces as well this year! Hmm.... Ideas, ideas.
It's crazy to see how much life has moved since my last birthday but also crazy to see how much is exactly the same. This year made me realize that, sometimes, getting older isn't such a bad thing after all. Yet - I realized that time isn't a friend of mine. It never forgives. Makes me wonder where I'll be a year from now.
Sometimes I feel like having my feet on the ground isn't what I want anymore. I used to want stability. I wanted structure. I wanted to know every single thing coming at me (I'd be lying if I said I don't think about it at all anymore...). Now, I'd rather have my head up in space; soul flying through the millions of galaxies without an ounce of care. I've learned to let life just be. I'm not in control; in the grand scheme of things anyways.
Other than writing for my own blog, I've always thought of doing a writing side project - but I never knew just what. I never had any direction/time or that clear of a head to carry the idea out. Likewise, Lily - who I met through a common interest of one of our favourite bands and this thing called Instagram, had the same idea. We bonded over astrology, music, and writing. This is basically how 'BONES' came to life.
Has it been awhile? Likely.
January was the most hectic month I've experienced so far this year (haha, laugh with me, people) - but really, it's been busy, juggling classes/exams and other things along that line. So far, 2016 has brought me less sleep, insane dosages of caffeine, and documentary binges. The upside is that I've been writing almost habitually in an attempt to keep my mind somewhat sharp during (what seems like) the dullest time of the year. The spine of my notebook is falling apart.